Tuesday, May 28, 2013

Growing Food Year Round

Mastering Cold Frame production takes more than enthusiasm for food gardening to produce a winter crop. A friend built me two cold frames in early autumn. The resulting excitement over the newest project exceeded my knowledge of how to plan a winter garden. Having mislaid the copy of “How To….” by Island garden guru Linda Gilkeson it was necessary to fall back on my own resources. So, the planting began in early September and I choose kale, collards and cabbages. It was a very warm month and by early October the plants had shot up to three feet in height with unusually broad leaves…green veggies on steroids. By December they were pressing against the glass roofs of the cold frames.
None of the plants really developed into recognizable vegetables, just lots of deep green leaves. The next months have been spent giving away bundles of crisp garden produce to anyone who comes by to peer at my monster plants. Determined not to waste any of this crop I have relied on my signature dish of chiffonaded greens, seasoned with ginger and garlic. Every meal served with a steaming heap of unidentified glistening greens has been a pleasure. What’s been gleaned from this experience is that the amount of fertilizer should be reduced and the glass roofs removed in the heat of day. A greenhouse thermometer might also be a good idea!

This season the cold frames, which are built on top of my raised beds are being cleared of the winter’s stubble, refertilized lightly and planted with cool season veggies. These are starter plants such as spinach, lettuce, arugula, baby bok choy and green onions purchased at the nursery. That will keep me supplied with some salad greens until it’s time to replant with the traditional summer fare. The two cold frames are a humble collection of discarded wooden posts, scavenged storm windows with a skirting of greenhouse quality plastic. The only expense was the skirting. Each pane is independent so all one needs is to lift up the pane in order to gather whatever one needs for the meal.

I have a very small greenhouse and summer season plants can be started there and will be ready for transplanting in early June. My goal is to succeed as a year round gardener and to share this enthralling experience with emerging gardeners who read this column.

Tuesday, January 29, 2013

Making Maple Syrup

Learning To Tap Syrup from our Bigleaf Maple is a fascinating process and many islanders are successfully producing maple syrup for home use and for sale. It has become a small cottage industry in the Cowichan Nanaimo area. The annual Bigleaf Maple tapping demonstration will be held tomorrow, Saturday Feb. 2 at the B.C. Forest Discovery Centre in Duncan. Here’s an opportunity for readers to learn the secrets of extracting gallons of maple juice from our handsome Western Maples and converting the sap into rich tasting maple syrup. The program includes a tapping demonstration, syrup tasting, luncheon with maple flavoured treats, talks with syrup vendors and of course a demonstration on boiling and syrup making. It may be a bit chilly outdoors but there will be a large wood burning evaporater filled with hot sap. You can bundle up and keep warm while enjoying a bit of maple syrup therapy and sipping on a cup of maple sap mint tea. There will be steam train rides to delight the youngsters. It is short notice for Up Islanders but if you are going call 250-715-1113 Ext. 4 for info or go to www.bcforestmuseum.com. There is a modest entrance fee for the family and the demonstrations continue all day. This rapidly growing industry started on Vancouver Island and has spread to Washington, Oregon and California.

While In Duncan you may want to include the second annual Islands Agriculture Show held on both Friday Feb. 1 and Saturday Feb. 2. It is located in the Cowichan Exhibition Centre and is a unique opportunity to showcase the agriculture industry on Vancouver Island and the Gulf Islands. There will be more than 60 exhibitors plus farm seminars that will be of interest to the general public as well as the farm community. For further info go online at http://iashow.ca/ or call 1-250 748 0822.

Many Of My Readers experimented with planting the root end of green onions in order to regrow them. My trial worked well and I was able to “harvest” the next generation of greens. However, when I left the root ends in the soil for a another attempt at regrowing them again all I got were a few exhausted stems struggling to stay upright so I gave them a quick and merciful end. However, I learned that organic onions are the only type that will produce a second crop. As this was an experiment performed on my kitchen windowsill it will be interesting to see if a set of green onions, grown outdoors, can reproduce a second crop if the roots are left in the ground. That really will be sustainable gardening.

Did You Know that North Island College has a course on Feb. 10 called Edible Landscaping. You can have your garden and eat it too! Learn everything you need to know from expert Helena Hartwood about variety choice, bed preparation, planting and harvesting.