Having Just Finished Barbara Kingsolver’s latest and hottest book Animal, Vegetable, Miracle where she recounts her move back to a West Virginia farm with her family, I encourage you to ask for it at the local library. It is an absorbing story of a family taking over their old farm and learning to restore and plant the land in order to produce all their foods for an entire year. One of Kingsolver’s greatest concerns, when they were still existing as commercial consumers, was the distances food traveled to reach their table. Her experience has prodded me into doing a similar count. Let’s see…fresh flowers from Columbia, 6,000 air miles, tomatoes from Mexico, 2,500 miles, fresh peas from China, 7,000 air miles, goats cheese from Quebec, 3,500 miles. Well, you get the idea. If one is sincerely trying to buy locally it means peering at every label and asking the retail staff endless questions. If we all put pressure on our retail stores we will soon get clear labeling telling us what is island grown, what is B.C. grown and what is Canada grown. Of course there are many things we can’t get in this country but it supports our farm industry if we always start by thinking “Island First”.
The Edible Plant Workshop I attended earlier this month gave a whole new meaning to “Eating Locally”. Colin Buss and Luisa Richardson lead our group of 20 on a trek through a Simms Creek tributary and it was a revelation to discover that so many plants that we hardly glance at can actually sustain life, if necessary.
Retired archivist, Irene Ross, listened intensely, taste tested all the plants we were shown on the trek and the following day tried out some of the native greenery on her husband, Dr. John Ross and her brother-in-law. Luncheon included Miner’s Lettuce, fiddleheads (from the base of Lady Ferns,) Maple Tree shoots, the young needles from Douglas Fir, Salmonberry shoots as well as its flowers, and berry-like heads from a plant known locally as Snap, Crackle & Pop. The salad was topped off with a vinaigrette dressing. The diners consumed the greens with gusto and proclaimed the meal a success!
60,000 Honey Bees on the Vancouver Conference Centre roof, runner beans on the lawn at London’s City Hall? In the search to bring you interesting items on what’s happening in the grow-your-own food movement it is astounding to see this quantum shift throughout some of the world’s greatest cities. The Mayor of London, Boris Johnson is drawing up plans for community gardens surrounding the Tower of London and Marble Arch. The Hayward Gallery will soon have a vegetable patch on its roof. At Vancouver’s Fairmount Waterfront the chef harvests fruits, veggies, herbs and honey for his menus and even has apple trees ripening amongst the skyscrapers. Even New York has turned green and a civic dinner was recently served to a group of eco-chic types which included Bronx Collard Greens, Brooklyn Beans and cocktails with Muddled Berries foraged from Central Park. Now where does Campbell River rate amongst these metropolises? Stand by for an exciting announcement on what is planned for the just installed green roof on our City Hall. http://www.islandfocus.bblogspot.com/
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