Sally tells us that she already has a pot of garlic 9 inches high in her kitchen window growing great guns and her spouse, Malcolm, has small cauliflower and broccoli plants “resting” in the greenhouse waiting for the warmth to arrive, as well as lettuces in the cold frame and onions in the garden that have overwintered and will take off early.
One of the great benefits of belonging to our garden club is that those of us who are eager to learn more about the secrets of growing food benefit by listening to “the masters” and then sharing what we learn with others. I am experimenting, for the first time, with overwintering vegetables. The onions and garlic which were planted in the late summer are thriving despite snow and lashing rain. The broad beans, planted in October have really taken a beating due to some severe wind and snow storms. The plants are almost two feet tall and are tied to sturdy stakes. After a severe temperature drop they wilt totally yet once the air warms they rally once more. I am looking forward to the beans ripening in late spring as they are rich in nutrients and will make an interesting substitute for the tinned garbanzos used in my family’s favourite hummus recipe. A slow walk around the mucky garden after each storm is a great way of cheering oneself up and sustaining that important sense of anticipation.
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