Being Inspired By Directions On Cooking Dandelions in a local cookbook I headed out along a canyon trail in search of fresh leaves and buds. They aren’t hard to find, just make sure they are growing well back from the trail or roadside to avoid contamination from vehicle fumes. The directions for cooking these tasty leaves can be found on Page 31 of the Quadra Island Cookery ll book. The recipe is so basic, just a bit of oil or butter in the pan, grilled onions and a pinch of salt and a squirt of lemon juice. Just a simple idea but this dish is brimming with nutritive value.
The Earth Day Film Presentation at the Tidemark Theatre was so inspiring that it has caused me to take revolutionary action regarding my reliance on my humble Honda CRV. I won a bus pass door prize to be used during the month of May. Someone nearby remarked “You could give the pass away to someone who really needs it”. “Well wait a moment,” I thought to myself, “maybe it’s really me who needs to change my driving habits. Well you can see where this discussion was headed. Listening to the film presenters profound change of life style as they reevaluated their wastefulness motivated me to take a personal “No Driving” pledge for the month of May. As I have a midmonth appointment in Victoria I will exempt myself for that one trip but other than that I’ll be either cycling of taking the bus to town. As two fill ups with gas in a month cost between $100 - 130 the earth will not only be benefiting by my lighter footprint but so will my wallet.
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